Calcium During Pregnancy

Calcium is a vital mineral during pregnancy and lactation (breast feeding). As commonly known, it is essential for the development of strong, healthy bones and teeth in the baby. Calcium is also required for proper growth and functioning of muscles, as well as the nervous and circulatory systems. It must be present in adequate amounts to develop a normal heart rhythm and blood clotting capacity. As is typically the case during pregnancy and lactation, the baby gets priority over the mother. If a mother is not getting enough dietary calcium, her body will pull calcium from her bones to meet [...]

Calcium During Pregnancy2018-09-18T19:40:01+00:00

New York Times Article Discusses How Prenatal Vitamins Reduce Autism Risk

For a New York Times article that is definitely worth reading, go to In previous blogs we have referred to the study recently published in the medical journal Epidemiology and covered in the New York Times article, which showed that consuming prenatal vitamins before and during pregnancy is associated with a significantly reduced risk of autism developing in the child. We have focused on the best timing for taking prenatal vitamins to realize this and other positive impacts from prenatal vitamins. With the steadily increasing risk for autism, we feel that a targeted discussion of this issue is warranted. [...]

New York Times Article Discusses How Prenatal Vitamins Reduce Autism Risk2018-09-18T19:40:01+00:00

Pregnancy Calculator

Many Obstetricians provide their patients with Pregnancy Calculator Wheels. These are useful, but can be a bit cumbersome. There are a number of very easy to use Pregnancy Calculators available online. The best one we have found (in our opinion) is the “Pregnancy Calculator for Conception, Gestation & Due Dates” found at the American Pregnancy Association website.

Pregnancy Calculator2018-09-18T19:40:01+00:00

Fish-Based versus Plant-Based DHA

Technically, all DHA is plant-based. DHA derived from fish sources originates in plants and is progressively concentrated as it moves through the food chain. An advantage of fish-based DHA lies in the fact that the food chain is more economical and efficient at concentrating DHA than the processes used on plant-based DHA. This equates to typically less expense and smaller size for prenatals with fish-based DHA. Some advocates of plant-based DHA assert that this form is free of “fishy” odor and taste. This is absolutely wrong. It is DHA and other fatty acids that have oxidized (gone rancid) which give [...]

Fish-Based versus Plant-Based DHA2018-09-18T19:40:01+00:00

Prenatal Vitamins – Not Pregnant?

Is it OK to take a prenatal vitamin if you’re not pregnant? Absolutely! There is a growing body of evidence that this is actually a good idea. It has been known for some time that adequate intake of folic acid by a mother before conception and into pregnancy can prevent neural tube defects such as spina bifida and meningomyelocoele. Folic acid is a prominent component of all prenatal vitamins. The March of Dimes recommends that mothers “take folic acid before you’re pregnant.” You can see their full discussion of this at A recent study published in the journal Epidemiology [...]

Prenatal Vitamins – Not Pregnant?2018-09-18T19:40:01+00:00

Prenatal Vitamin Side Effects

While most expectant mothers understand the need for and benefits of taking prenatal vitamins, there can be some side effects from these vitamins that work against this. These are primarily centered around digestive system complaints. Let’s discuss the most common of these, along with ways to deal with them. Having a tablet or capsule that is hard to swallow will slow down even the most conscientious mother-to-be. Single piece, once-a-day prenatal vitamins containing DHA are notorious for being large and hard to swallow. This is mainly due to the presence of DHA, which requires quite a bit of volume. Plant-based [...]

Prenatal Vitamin Side Effects2018-09-18T19:40:01+00:00

Prenatal Vitamins and DHA

More and more, doctors are recommending prenatal vitamins that contain the essential fatty acid DHA (DocosaHexanoic Acid). There are many benefits to both mother and child that can be derived from adequate amounts of this fatty acid. It is referred to as essential because the body cannot manufacture adequate amounts of it, particularly during pregnancy and breast feeding, and thus there must be ingestion of DHA to get what is needed. The most common dietary source of DHA is ocean seafood in the form of fatty fish. With concerns about contamination from mercury and pesticides, the consumption of fish sources [...]

Prenatal Vitamins and DHA2018-09-18T19:40:01+00:00

Prenatal Vitamins for Hair growth

Expectant mothers are often pleased to note that the rate of growth and quality of their hair improves during pregnancy. Some also note improvements in their skin and nails. These benefits have been ascribed to components in prenatal vitamins, and this has led a number of non-pregnant women who desire such benefits to take prenatal vitamins. Let’s examine what is going on here to see if this makes sense. Much of the improvement that pregnant women see in their hair, skin, and nails is due to the hormonal environment unique to pregnancy. There are, however, some nutrients that appear in [...]

Prenatal Vitamins for Hair growth2018-09-18T19:40:01+00:00

Prenatal Vitamins Before Pregnancy

A commonly asked question is “When is the best time to start taking prenatal vitamins?” Our position has always been that it is best to start prenatal vitamins before conception. Our brand name and catch phrase both reflect this. TriCare alludes to three time periods when prenatal vitamins are helpful – before, during, and after pregnancy. Our catch phrase is “Essential nutrition for the three vital stages of pregnancy.” There is mounting evidence that confirms distinct benefits from being on a prenatal vitamin at the time of conception. A study published in the journal Epidemiology revealed a 40 % reduction [...]

Prenatal Vitamins Before Pregnancy2018-09-18T19:40:01+00:00

Best Prenatal Vitamins

There are a number of factors that should be considered when evaluating the quality of prenatal vitamin formulas. These include: 1. Patient friendliness. Ideally, a prenatal vitamin should be a one piece, once a day product that is not too large. It should go down easy, and it should not cause stomach irritation, nausea, or an objectionable aftertaste. 2. Folic acid. In adequate amounts, this important B-vitamin can essentially prevent neural tube birth defects like spina bifida and meningomyelocoele. It is also important for proper red blood cell production. Most doctors recommend 1000 mcg per day of folic acid during [...]

Best Prenatal Vitamins2018-09-18T19:40:01+00:00
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